Academic Overview

Liston College offers a broad curriculum from Years 7 to 13 which provides a range of opportunities for our young men to succeed academically.

In Years 7 to 10 students primarily focus on progressing in core subject areas and are taught by subject specialist teachers who deliver strong academic programmes based on the New Zealand Curriculum. From Year 8, in addition to their core subjects, students are given the opportunity to select option subjects which help identify their strengths and passions which will form the foundation for subject selection in the senior school. 

In Year 10 students are given their first opportunity to attain the Numeracy and Literacy requirements for NCEA. Specialist classroom support ensures our students are well prepared for these assessments.

At Year 11 students work towards completing Liston Level 1 as part of our Senior Academic Programme. Liston Level 1 is a rigorous teaching and learning programme which has been developed to meet the needs of our students and to fully prepare them for formal NCEA qualifications at Levels 2 and 3.

In Years 12 and 13 students work towards completing NCEA Levels 2 and 3. A strong academic culture with individual student tracking places an emphasis on students completing their schooling with University Entrance and meaningful options for future study or employment. We also heavily encourage capable students to work towards Scholarship exams in subject areas of strength.

AcademicsSenior Academic Programme / NCEA

NCEA Literacy and Numeracy Requirements

To be awarded any NCEA qualification, students need to achieve Literacy and Numeracy corequisites which assess the foundational skills in these subject areas. Both Literacy and Numeracy corequisites are assessed using Common Assessment Activities (CAAs) and are marked externally by NZQA.

Most Liston students will first attempt these CAAs in Year 10 with preparation completed in class with specialist subject teachers. Where students are not successful in achieving this by the end of Year 10, they will be supported to complete this in Year 11.

Liston Level 1 

At Year 11 students work towards completing Liston Level 1. This is a rigorous teaching and learning programme which has been developed to meet the needs of our students and to fully prepare them for formal NCEA qualifications at Levels 2 and 3.

In Liston Level 1, all students study seven subjects. Religious Education, English, Mathematics and Physical Education are compulsory. Students also choose three other subjects with a strong recommendation of Science being one of these. Each subject course is made up of a combination of Internal (in class assessments, completed over time) and External (exam style) assessments.

In order to pass Liston Level 1, students need to obtain 80 credits from school assessments, as well as achieve the Literacy and Numeracy corequisites in either Year 10 or Year 11.

It is important for students to maintain a balanced subject mix which ensures choice and flexibility in the following years. Students should choose options that suit their interests, and if they are not certain what a subject is about then they should approach their dean, the careers advisor or the relevant Head of Department to gather more information.

NCEA Level 2

In Year 12 students work towards completing NCEA Level 2.

All students study six subjects. Religious Education and English are compulsory with students selecting four other subjects.

Entry into many courses is subject to performance in Liston Level 1 to ensure that students have the prior foundational knowledge required to be successful. Information on pre-requisites can be found on the School Point Website during the subject selection process in Term 3.

The requirements for passing NCEA Level 2 can be found on the NZQA website here.

NCEA Level 3

In Year 13 students work towards completing NCEA Level 3 with an emphasis on students attaining University Entrance. Students with proven ability in a subject will be strongly encouraged to prepare for and complete Scholarship Exams.

The only compulsory subject in Level 3 is Religious Education. Again, entry into many courses is dependent on performance in NCEA Level 2. Information on pre-requisites can be found on the School Point Website during the subject selection process in Term 3.

What is University Entrance?

University Entrance (UE) is the minimum requirement to go to a New Zealand University.

To be awarded UE students need:

  • NCEA Level 3
  • 14 credits at Level 3 in each of three approved subjects
  • Literacy - 10 credits at Level 2 or above, made up of:
    • 5 credits in reading
    • 5 credits in writing.
  • Numeracy - 10 credits at Level 1 or above

Our comprehensive Academic Tracking program ensures Year 13 students are on track and receive the needed support to obtain University Entrance. 

Gifted & Talented / Learning

Gifted and Talented Students at Liston College are defined as those who exhibit qualities, abilities and / or exceptional potential, significantly beyond what is typically seen in students of the same age.

These qualities and abilities can be seen in, but are not limited to, the following areas:

·         Academic

·         Cultural

·         Sporting

·         The Arts

·         Social / Leadership

·         Technological

As a Catholic School of Special Character, we also acknowledge the special abilities that students may have within the cultural and spiritual domains of the Catholic faith.

Where students have been identified as being gifted and talented in a particular field, relevant staff and teachers will work to provide the necessary support for that student. This aims to ensure that gifted and talented students are challenged at the appropriate level while also receiving the care and pastoral support that may be required.

We also recognise that some students may be Twice Exceptional (2E) which means that they may have gifts beyond their peers in conjunction with a learning challenge or need.

Gifted and Talented Students may require differentiated programmes and/or support services (such as social and emotional support) in order to realise their contribution to self and society. In these cases, students work closely with our Learning Support Coordinators to create an Individual learning Plan. 

Learning Support

Students with specific learning needs are supported by our Junior and Senior Learning Support Coordinators. Our LSCs work with students and families to identify what support is required and then work to develop strategies for students and teachers which ensure barriers to progress are reduced.

Our LSCs are also responsible for liaising with Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs) who are external providers, funded to work with students and their teachers in order to develop Individual Learning Plans.

 Our Learning Support Co-ordinator for Years 7-9 is Ms Gemma McQuaid and Mrs Stephanie Dalton for Years 10-13.