General Points - School Rules
Jewellery of any type is not permitted to be worn at school. This includes: studs, earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets etc. Tattoos are to be covered at all times. Where a student has long hair (Over the collar and / or in eyes), this must be tied back or cut. Extreme haircuts or hair colouring of any type is not permitted. Students are to be clean shaven at all times.
The possession and / or use of tobacco, E-cigarettes, huffing or vaping apparatuses or paraphernalia / juice, alcohol, drugs (illicit, synthetic, over the counter, party drugs etc), solvents or other substances, in the classrooms / toilets, on the school grounds, on camps, while wearing school uniform, or at school functions (cultural, social or sporting) is prohibited. Disciplinary action will follow where a student is found to be in possession of / engaged in such activity.
There are a number of articles / items which are not to be brought to school under any circumstances. Disciplinary action may follow. Articles / items include:
If non regulation uniform items, (caps, jewellery, T-shirts etc) are worn to school, or if forbidden articles are brought to school, staff may confiscate these. In this case it will be held by the Dean / at the school office. Parents /Caregivers may be asked to pick up the item(s) depending upon their nature.
Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be switched off in all classes (including Form time) unless express permission to use the device, has been given by the teacher. This also includes the wearing of ear buds / phones during these times. If they are on / used at such times, staff may confiscate them. In this case they will be held by the School Office. The school takes no responsibility for any loss or damage to these items brought to school by students.
Where a student brings a car to school, they must not park in the school grounds. They bring their car to school at their own risk. Students are reminded of the conditions associated with the type of license they hold. Students must obtain permission from their Dean to go to the car during the school day. Where there is flagrant misuse of a vehicle or breaking of the law, this will be reported directly to the police.
Liberating Education
Gospel Spirituality
Inclusive Community
Justice & Solidarity