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Liston Day

Liston Day is a very special day in the school year for the Liston College community. In May each year we celebrate as a school community all that Liston College represents. Firstly, we recognise Archbishop James Michael Liston, after whom the school is named.

We also recognise Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers. Our school Charism is based Edmund's core beliefs of Presence, Compassion and Liberation, which encourages the school community to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.

In the morning, the whole school attends Mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, celebrated by Bishop Stephen Lowe, Bishop of Auckland. This is a very formal event, with staff wearing academic dress.

During mass:

  • Those students who are part of the Sacramental Programme, receive the sacraments of initiation and are presented to the school community.
  •  Presentation of food items is made to the St Vincent de Paul Society. 
  •  Senior students are commissioned as extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

In the afternoon the school gathers in the gymnasium for a show of school talent.

Liberating Education

Gospel Spirituality

Inclusive Community

Justice & Solidarity